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Joined: 14 Jan 2006 Posts: 1
As to connect pic to the connector mini din (ps/2) |
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:15 pm |
have a work that necessary to connect mine pic16f874 to one mouse ps/2... looking at the archives here of f�rum I found good materials however all the tentivas had been frustrated. First pq I program in C and the materials are in assembly and second pq I do not know in which bolts to connect the connector mini din (ps/2) to pic. Good then I decided to postar here in f�rum my doubts that are in which bolts of pic must connect the bolt of data and of clock of mouse and that it forms I can be sending given and reading the data received from mouse. I thank since already the patience and the aid of the colleagues |
Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 768 Location: Silicon Valley
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:38 pm |
I have never interfaced a PS/2 mouse to a PIC (I used RS-232 instead), but here's a page which might shed some light on your problem. http://pinouts.ru/data/PS2Mouse_pinout.shtml
Good Luck! |
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 15
PS/2 keypad driver with buffer |
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:43 pm |
I have a PS/2 keypad driver along with an example to work with. Not sure if it works for PS/2 mouse, hope it will be helpful for you / somebody.
For more detailed description and PS/2 keypad-related materials, pls refer to my web page http://www.TechToys.com.hk under Downloads section.
Code: |
* Embedded Systems Building Blocks
* PS/2 Keyboard 101/104 keys driver
* Original obtained from www.picant.com, C2C complier web site
* by Julio Cesar Silva Briano, modified by John Leung
* Filenmae : ps2key.h
* Programmer : John Leung, www.TechToys.com.hk
* Version : Version 1.1 - 17th June 2004
* Remarks : Consult www.beyong.org for PS/2 keyboard protocol
// The keyboard is assumed to be a standard PS/2 104 keyboard, or NumPad
/* PORT configuration
* Hardware pin map:
* B0 CLOCK signal from PS/2, interrupt on falling edge.
* A4 DATA signal from PS/2.
#byte TRISA = 0x85
#bit TRISA4 = TRISA.4
#byte TRISB = 0x86
#bit TRISB0 = TRISB.0
#define PS2Key_Clk PIN_B0 /* The pin address of the CLK signal (input) */
#define PS2Key_ClkTris TRISB0 /* The pin direction of the CLK signal (1=input) */
#define PS2Key_Data PIN_A4 /* The pin address of the DATA signal (input) */
#define PS2Key_DataTris TRISA4 /* The pin direction of the DATA signal (1=input) */
#define PS2Key_BUF_SIZE 10 /* Size of PS2 keyboard buffer */
#define PS2Key_START 1 /* Start bit for PS/2 protocol */
#define PS2Key_PARITY 10 /* Parity bit for PS/2 protocol */
#define PS2Key_STOP 11 /* Stop bit for PS/2 protocol */
INT8U PS2KeyGetKey(void); /* Get a PS/2 scan code from driver if one is present, -1 else */
void PS2SendComm(INT8U cmd); /* (not finished) Send a one byte command to PS/2 keyboard */
BOOLEAN PS2KeyHit(void); /* See if a key has been pressed (TRUE if so, FALSE if not) */
void PS2KeyInit(void); /* Initialize the PS2 Keyboard handler */
void PS2KeyIntHandler( void ); /* Function for B0 INT, edge feom HIGH to LOW */
Code: |
* Embedded Systems Building Blocks
* PS/2 Keyboard 101/104 keys driver
* Original obtained from www.picant.com, C2C complier web site
* by Julio Cesar Silva Briano, modified by John Leung
* Filenmae : ps2ScanCode.h
* Programmer : John Leung
* Version : Version 1.1 - 17th June 2004
* Remarks : Consult www.beyong.org for PS/2 keyboard protocol
* Three lookup tables PS2KeyUnshifted[], PS2KeyShifted[], and PS2KeyNumPad[] map PS2Key_Code to ASCII chars
* If it is going to be the Numpad ONLY, PS2KeyUnshifted[] and PS2KeyShifted[] can be undefined to save ROM
* PS2KeyNumPad[] provided for ASCII character map for Num pad, should choose % #define PS2_NUM_PAD_SCH1/2
* Application must declare PS2ScanCode.h if ASCII should be returned
* *
* No-Shift - Lookup Table when Shift not hold *
* *
//Uncomment the following #define if a full 104 keyboard ASCII map is included
//#define PS2_FULL_104KEY
#ifdef PS2_FULL_104KEY
const INT8U PS2KeyUnshifted[]={
0x00, //00
0x00, //01 F9
0x00, //02
0x00, //03 F5
0x00, //04 F3
0x00, //05 F1
0x00, //06 F2
0x00, //07 F12
0x00, //08
0x00, //09 F10
0x00, //0A F8
0x00, //0B F6
0x00, //0C F4
0x09, //0D TAB
'`', //0E ` or ~
0x00, //0F
0x00, //10
0x00, //11 Left ALT
0x00, //12 Left SHIFT
0x00, //13
0x00, //14 Left Ctrl
'q', //15 Q
'1', //16 1 or !
0x00, //17
0x00, //18
0x00, //19
'z', //1A Z
's', //1B S
'a', //1C A
'w', //1D W
'2', //1E 2 or @
0x00, //1F
0x00, //20
'c', //21 C
'x', //22 X
'd', //23 D
'e', //24 E
'4', //25 4 or $
'3', //26 3 or #
0x00, //27
0x00, //28
' ', //29 Space
'v', //2A V
'f', //2B F
't', //2C T
'r', //2D R
'5', //2E 5 or %
0x00, //2F
0x00, //30
'n', //31 N
'b', //32 B
'h', //33 H
'g', //34 G
'y', //35 Y
'6', //36 6 or ^
0x00, //37
0x00, //38
0x00, //39
'm', //3A M
'j', //3B J
'u', //3C U
'7', //3D 7 or &
'8', //3E 8 or *
0x00, //3F
0x00, //40
',', //41 , or <
'k', //42 K
'i', //43 I
'o', //44 O
'0', //45 0 or )
'9', //46 9 or (
0x00, //47
0x00, //48
'.', //49 . or >
'/', //4A / or ?
'l', //4B L
';', //4C ; or :
'p', //4D P
'-', //4E - or _
0x00, //4F
0x00, //50
0x00, //51
0x27, //52 ' or "
0x00, //53
'[', //54 [ or {
'=', //55 = or +
0x00, //56
0x00, //57
0x00, //58 Caps Lock
0x00, //59 Right Shift
0x0D, //5A Enter
']', //5B ] or }
0x00, //5C
'\'', //5D \ or |
0x00, //5E
0x00, //5F
0x00, //60
0x00, //61
0x00, //62
0x00, //63
0x00, //64
0x00, //65
0x08, //66 Backspace
0x00, //67
0x00, //68
'1', //69 NUM - 1 or END
0x00, //6A
'4', //6B NUM - 4 or LEFT
'7', //6C NUM - 7 or HOME
0x00, //6D
0x00, //6E
0x00, //6F
'0', //70 NUM - 0 or INS
'.', //71 NUM - . or DEL
'2', //72 NUM - 2 or DOWN
'5', //73 NUM - 5
'6', //74 NUM - 6 or RIGHT
'8', //75 NUM - 8 or UP
0x1B, //76 ESC
0x00, //77 NUM LOCK
0x00, //78 F11
'+', //79 NUM - + (Plus)
'3', //7A NUM 3 or PAGE DOWN
'-', //7B NUM - - (Minus)
'*', //7C NUM - *
'9', //7D NUM - 9 or PAGE UP
0x00, //7E SCROLL LOCK
0x00, //7F
0x00, //80
0x00, //81
0x00, //82
0x00, //83 F7
* *
* Shift - Lookup Table Used when Shift Hold *
* *
const INT8U PS2KeyShifted[]={
0x00 //00
0x00 //01 F9
0x00 //02
0x00 //03 F5
0x00 //04 F3
0x00 //05 F1
0x00 //06 F2
0x00 //07 F12
0x00 //08
0x00 //09 F10
0x00 //0A F8
0x00 //0B F6
0x00 //0C F4
0x09 //0D TAB
'~' //0E ` or ~
0x0 //0F
0x00 //10
0x00 //11 Left ALT
0x00 //12 Left SHIFT
0x00 //13
0x00 //14 Left Ctrl
'Q' //15 Q
'!' //16 1 or !
0x00 //17
0x00 //18
0x00 //19
'Z' //1A Z
'S' //1B S
'A' //1C A
'W' //1D W
'@' //1E 2 or @
0x00 //1F
0x00 //20
'C' //21 C
'X' //22 X
'D' //23 D
'E' //24 E
'$' //25 4 or $
'#' //26 3 or #
0x00 //27
0x00 //28
' ' //29 Space
'V' //2A V
'F' //2B F
'T' //2C T
'R' //2D R
'%' //2E 5 or %
0x00 //2F
0x00 //30
'N' //31 N
'B' //32 B
'H' //33 H
'G' //34 G
'Y' //35 Y
'^' //36 6 or ^
0x00 //37
0x00 //38
0x00 //39
'M' //3A M
'J' //3B J
'U' //3C U
'&' //3D 7 or &
'*' //3E 8 or *
0x00 //3F
0x0 //40
'<' //41 , or <
'K' //42 K
'I' //43 I
'O' //44 O
')' //45 0 or )
'(' //46 9 or (
0x00 //47
0x00 //48
'>' //49 > or .
'?' //4A / or ?
'L' //4B L
':' //4C ; or :
'P' //4D P
'_' //4E - or _
0x00 //4F
0x00 //50
0x00 //51
0x22 //52 ' or "
0x00 //53
'{' //54 [ or {
'+' //55 = OR +
0x00 //56
0x00 //57
0x00 //58 Caps Lock
0x00 //59 Right Shift
0x0D //5A Enter
'}' //5B ] or }
0x00 //5C
'|' //5D \ or |
0x00 //5E
0x00 //5F
0x00 //60
0x00 //61
0x00 //62
0x00 //63
0x00 //64
0x00 //65
0x08 //66 Backspace
0x00 //67
0x00 //68
'1' //69 NUM - 1 or END
0x00 //6A
'4' //6B NUM - 4 or LEFT
'7' //6C NUM - 7 or HOME
0x00 //6D
0x00 //6E
0x00 //6F
'0' //70 NUM - 0 or INS
'.' //71 NUM - . or DEL
'2' //72 NUM - 2 or DOWN
'5' //73 NUM - 5
'6' //74 NUM - 6 or RIGHT
'8' //75 NUM - 8 or UP
0x1B //76 ESC
0x00 //77 NUM LOCK
0x00 //78 F11
'+' //79 NUM - + (Plus)
'3' //7A NUM 3 or PAGE DOWN
'-' //7B NUM - - (Minus)
'*' //7C NUM - *
'9' //7D NUM - 9 or PAGE UP
0x00 //7F
0x00 //80
0x00 //81
0x00 //82
0x00 //83 F7
* *
* Numeric KeyPad only - Lookup Table *
* *
//Uncomment the following #define if NumPad is used
//Should use a Decode() sub-routine to decode the array index.
//This method for Flash Rom space saving
//#define PS2_NUM_PAD_SCH1
#ifdef PS2_NUM_PAD_SCH1
const INT8U PS2KeyNumPad[17] ={0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x7A, 0x6B, 0x73, 0x74, 0x6C,\
0x75, 0x7D, 0x79, 0x7B, 0x7C, 0x4A, 0x71, 0x5A, 0x77};
Array index
0 //70 NUM - 0 or INS
1 //69 NUM - 1 or END
2 //72 NUM - 2 or DOWN
3 //7A NUM - 3 or PAGE DOWN
4 //6B NUM - 4 or LEFT
5 //73 NUM - 5
6 //74 NUM - 6 or RIGHT
7 //6C NUM - 7 or HOME
8 //75 NUM - 8 or UP
9 //7D NUM - 9 or PAGE UP
10 //79 NUM - + (Plus)
11 //7B NUM - - (Minus)
12 //7C NUM - *
13 //4A or E04A NUM - /(division), extended code ignore here
14 //71 NUM - . or DEL
15 //5A or E05A NUM - ENT, extended code ignore here
16 //77 NUM LOCK
* *
* Numeric KeyPad only - Lookup Table to ASCII *
* Remarks: NumLock is mapped to 0x77 in this table *
//Uncomment the following #define if NumPad is used
//Should choose between PS2_NUM_PAD_SCH1 or SCH2
//Should shift by 0x4A to map the ASCII character
#define PS2_NUM_PAD_SCH2
#ifdef PS2_NUM_PAD_SCH2
#define OFFSET_SCH2 0x4A
const INT8U PS2KeyNumPad[] = {
'/', //4A / or ?
'l', //4B L
';', //4C ; or :
'p', //4D P
'-', //4E - or _
0x00, //4F
0x00, //50
0x00, //51
0x27, //52 ' or "
0x00, //53
'[', //54 [ or {
'=', //55 = or +
0x00, //56
0x00, //57
0x00, //58 Caps Lock
0x00, //59 Right Shift
0x0D, //5A Enter
']', //5B ] or }
0x00, //5C
'\'', //5D \ or |
0x00, //5E
0x00, //5F
0x00, //60
0x00, //61
0x00, //62
0x00, //63
0x00, //64
0x00, //65
0x08, //66 Backspace
0x00, //67
0x00, //68
'1', //69 NUM - 1 or END
0x00, //6A
'4', //6B NUM - 4 or LEFT
'7', //6C NUM - 7 or HOME
0x00, //6D
0x00, //6E
0x00, //6F
'0', //70 NUM - 0 or INS
'.', //71 NUM - . or DEL
'2', //72 NUM - 2 or DOWN
'5', //73 NUM - 5
'6', //74 NUM - 6 or RIGHT
'8', //75 NUM - 8 or UP
0x1B, //76 ESC
0x77, //77 NUM LOCK
0x00, //78 F11
'+', //79 NUM - + (Plus)
'3', //7A NUM 3 or PAGE DOWN
'-', //7B NUM - - (Minus)
'*', //7C NUM - *
'9', //7D NUM - 9 or PAGE UP
Code: |
* uC/OS-II
* The Real-Time Kernel
* (c) Copyright 2002, Nathan Brown, Longview, TX
* http://www.sputnickonline.com/
* All Rights Reserved
* PIC18xxxx Specific Code
* V1.00 - October 27, 2002
* File : OS_CPU.H
* By : Nathan Brown, modified by John Leung for CCS PICC complier for low & mid - range CPUs
* (Compiler Specific, CCS PICC in this case)
/* #define BOOLEAN short int (8 bits, -128<->127) as per 16F877A */
typedef unsigned char INT8U; /* Unsigned 8 bit quantity */
typedef signed char INT8S; /* Signed 8 bit quantity */
typedef unsigned long int INT16U; /* Unsigned 16 bit quantity */
typedef long int INT16S; /* Signed 16 bit quantity */
typedef unsigned int32 INT32U; /* Unsigned 32 bit quantity */
typedef signed int32 INT32S; /* Signed 32 bit quantity */
typedef float FP32; /* Single precision floating point */
/* end */
Code: |
* Embedded Systems Building Blocks
* PS/2 Keyboard 104 keys, NumPad driver
* Original obtained from www.picant.com, C2C complier web site
* by Julio Cesar Silva Briano, modified by John Leung
* Filenmae : ps2key.c
* Programmer : John Leung
* Version : Version 1.1 - 17th June 2004
* Remarks : Consult www.beyong.org for PS/2 keyboard protocol
* This is a PS/2 keyboard driver for standard 101/104 keyboard or Numerical Keypad
* Application software must include PS2Key.h and PS2ScanCode.h
* PS2Key.h contains hardware port configuration
* PS2ScanCode.h configures if it is a complete 101 keyboard, or just the Numpad
* Two lookup tables PS2KeyUnshifted[] and PS2KeyShifted[] map the PS2Key_Code to ASCII characters
* If it is going to be the Numpad ONLY, PS2KeyUnshifted[] and PS2KeyShifted[] can be undefined to save ROM
* Application must declare the followings (see ps2key.h)
* PS2key.c is PS/2 keyboard driver to handle ordinary PS/2 or AT-style keyboard with mcu
* Global variable PS2Key_Code returns the raw key code of a key
* Key Buffer is defined by constant PS2KEY_BUF_SIZE (in PS2Key.h)
* PS2Key_Clk The port address of the PS/2 CLK signal
* PS2Key_Data The port address of the PS/2 Data signal
* PS2Key_BUF_SIZE Size of the PS/2 keyboard buffer
INT8U PS2KeyBuf[PS2KEY_BUF_SIZE]; //PS2 Keyboard buffer, the register to store characters key in
INT8U PS2KeyBufInIx; //Index into PS/2 key buf where next scan code will be inserted
INT8U PS2KeyBufOutIx; //Index into PS/2 key buf where next scan code will be removed
INT8U PS2KeyNRead; //Number of keys read from the PS/2 keyboard
INT8U PS2Key_Code; //Key code from PS/2 keyboard
INT8U PS2Key_bit_Ix; //bit index of the byte stream, Start_bit(1), Parity(10), Stop_bit(11)
BOOLEAN PS2_SHIFT; //TRUE if left or right shift pressed
void PS2KeyBufIn(INT8U code); /* Insert scan code into keyboard buffer */
INT8U PS2KeyDecode(void); /* Function to decode a key stroke */
* Description: This function inserts a key character into the keyboard buffer from a PS/2 keyboard
void PS2KeyBufIn (INT8U code)
//OS_ENTER_CRITICAL(); //Start of critical section of code, disable ints
if (PS2KeyNRead < PS2Key_BUF_SIZE) { //make sure that we don't overflow the buffer
PS2KeyNRead++; //Increment the number of keys read
PS2KeyBuf[PS2KeyBufInIx++] = code; //Store the scan code into the buffer
if (PS2KeyBufInIx >= PS2Key_BUF_SIZE) { //Adjust index to the next scan code to put in buffer
PS2KeyBufInIx = 0;
//Signal semaphore if an RTOS exist!
} else {
* Description: This function is called to determine the key scane code of the PS/2 keyboard
* Arguments: none
* Returns: the key scan code
INT8U PS2KeyDecode(void)
* Description: Get a PS/2 keyboard scan code from the keyboard driver
* Arguments: none
* Returns: !=0xFF is the key scan code of the PS/2 keyboard key pressed
* ==0xFF indicates that there is on key in the PS2KeyBuf[PS2KEY_BUF_SIZE] buffer
INT8U PS2KeyGetKey (void)
INT8U code;
if (PS2KeyNRead > 0) { /* See if we have keys in PS2KeyBuf[] */
PS2KeyNRead--; /* Decrement the number of keys in the buffer */
code = PS2KeyBuf[PS2KeyBufOutIx]; /* Get scan code from the buffer */
if (PS2KeyBufOutIx >= PS2Key_BUF_SIZE) {
PS2KeyBufOutIx = 0;
return (code); /* return the scan code of the key pressed */
} else {
return (0xFF); /* No scan codes in buffer, return -1 */
* Description: Send command to the PS/2 keyboard
* Arguments: cmd is the command to send
* $ED Set Status LED's - This command can be used to turn on and off the Num Lock, Caps Lock & Scroll Lock LED's.
* After Sending ED, keyboard will reply with ACK (FA) and wait for another byte which determines their Status.
* Bit 0 controls the Scroll Lock, Bit 1 the Num Lock and Bit 2 the Caps lock. Bits 3 to 7 are ignored.
* $EE Echo - Upon sending a Echo command to the Keyboard, the keyboard should reply with a Echo (EE)
* $F0 Set Scan Code Set. Upon Sending F0, keyboard will reply with ACK (FA) and wait for another byte,
01-03 which determines the Scan Code Used.
Sending 00 as the second byte will return the Scan Code Set currently in Use
* $F3 Set Typematic Repeat Rate. Keyboard will Acknowledge command with FA and wait for second byte,
which determines the Typematic Repeat Rate.
* $F4 Keyboard Enable - Clears the keyboards output buffer, enables Keyboard Scanning and returns an Acknowledgment.
* $F5 Keyboard Disable - Resets the keyboard, disables Keyboard Scanning and returns an Acknowledgment.
* $FE Resend - Upon receipt of the resend command the keyboard will re- transmit the last byte sent.
* $FF Reset - Resets the Keyboard.
* Returns: none
* Remarks: Refer to AN1723 of Motorola for detailed description of Host-to-KBD protocol
* Is NOT working as per 17th June 2004. Should work more on this function.
void PS2SendComm(INT8U cmd)
PS2Key_bit_Ix = 0; //bit index of the byte stream, Start_bit(1), Parity(10), Stop_bit(11), ACK_bit(12)
disable_interrupts(INT_EXT); //disable external interrupt B0 on falling edge
output_low(PS2Key_Clk); //host forces PS2 clock line low.
delay_us(35); //After approx. 35us, the host pulls PS2 data line low
output_low(PS2Key_Data); //This sequence of event signals the keyboard that
//the host is about to transfer a command
delay_us(125); //The clock signal is released and pulled high by the keyboard's pullup
PS2Key_ClkTris = 1; //resisitor after the falling edge of the data signal
/* Transfer of data from host to keyboard will start approx. 1ms after the rising edge of the clock */
/* shift bit to PS2Key_Data on every falling edge of the PS2Key_Clk line */
{ while (input(PS2Key_Clk))
; //hold when PS2Key_Clk is high
output_bit(PS2Key_Data, cmd&0x01);
cmd = cmd>>1;
} while(PS2Key_bit_Ix<=12);
PS2Key_bit_Ix = 0;
/* send data from host complete */
PS2Key_DataTris = 1; //release data line, reset to input
ext_int_edge(0, H_TO_L); //set external interrupt to falling edge
enable_interrupts(INT_EXT); //release PS2 KBD clock line. driven high by PS2 KBD
* Description: This function checks to see if a key was pressed
* Arguments: none
* Returns: TRUE if a key has been pressed
* FALSE if no key pressed
BOOLEAN PS2KeyHit(void)
hit = (BOOLEAN)(PS2KeyNRead > 0)? TRUE : FALSE;
* Description : This function initializes the PS2 driver.
* Arguments : None.
* Returns : None.
void PS2KeyInit(void)
PS2KeyNRead =0; //Clear the number of keys read
PS2KeyBufInIx =0; //Clear the key codes inserted at the beginning of the buffer
PS2KeyBufOutIx =0; //Clear the key codes removed at the beginning of the buffer
PS2Key_DataTris =1; //Set Data line an input
PS2Key_ClkTris =1; //Set clock line an input
ext_int_edge(0, H_TO_L); //set external interrupt to falling edge
enable_interrupts(INT_EXT); //enable external interrupt B0
* Description: This function is called by an interrupt handler (e.g. B0 EXT INT on falling edge)
* Detect the clock pulse (High_to_Low) for new bit
* Arguments : none
* Returns : none
* Notes : Put a scan code to PS2KeyBuf[] if a valid byte acquired
* Set PS2KeyNRead then
void PS2KeyIntHandler(void)
BOOLEAN PS2Key_Data_State; //Temp variable for Data pin, PS2Key_Data_State
BOOLEAN PS2Status_Parity; //Parity bit
PS2Key_Data_State = input(PS2Key_Data);
switch (PS2Key_bit_Ix)
case PS2Key_START:
if (PS2Key_Data_State || input(PS2Key_Clk))
PS2Key_bit_Ix=0; // Start bit clock is a high_to_low transition.
// Start bit is a low bit.
case PS2Key_PARITY:
PS2Status_Parity = PS2Key_Data_State;
case PS2Key_STOP: // Stop bit got, put key in buffer
if (PS2Key_Code==0x12||PS2Key_Code==0x59) // Key=Left shift or right shift
if (PS2Key_Code==0xF0) // Is a break code!
PS2KeyBufIn (PS2Key_Code); // Put valid byte in PS2KeyBuf[], ignore break code
PS2Key_Code = PS2Key_Code >> 1;
if (PS2Key_Data_State)
PS2Key_Code = PS2Key_Code | 0x80;
}//end of switch ofr KDB send to Host
Code: |
* PS2Main.c to demonstrate the power of PS2Key.c and PS2Key.h drivers
* Date : 17th June 2004
* Programmer : John Leung
#include <16f877a.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#include <OS_CPU.h> //typedef compatible with uCOS-II style
#include <PS2Key.h>
#include <PS2ScanCode.h>
#include <PS2Key.c>
INT8U PS2Key_Char;
void ext_isr(void)
void main(void)
INT8U outs = 0;
PS2KeyInit(); //Init PS2 Keyboard
enable_interrupts(global); //enable global interrupts
/* PS2KeyNumPad[] ONLY, & OFFSET_SCH2 from PS2ScanCode.h */
PS2Key_Char = PS2KeyNumPad[PS2KeyGetKey()-OFFSET_SCH2];
switch (PS2Key_Char){
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
//Handle the numeric input, display to LCD for dig N.
case 0x0D:
//ENT Key, should print tag
case 0x77:
//NumLock, toggle between FreeHand mode & sequential mode
case '+':
//Increment on the sequential tag number, but no printed yet
case '-':
//Decrement on the sequential tag number, but no printed yet
case '/':
//Cancel key for clearing numeric input field
case '*':
case '.':
//cursor, for position toggle by repeating key, only for MENU and USER SETUP
} //end of switch
} //end of if(PS2KeyHit())
} //end of while (1)
Joined: 05 Jan 2006 Posts: 105
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:40 am |
i try to use this new library,,when i add an lcd library "lcd_kbd1.c" its make an error!! while "lcd.c" don't!! why? |
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:14 am |
Hi, my problem is about PS2Key_Char=PS2KeyUnshifted[PS2KeyGetKey()];
line. It appears "Undifined Identifier PS2KeyUnshifted" error
I included PS2ScanCode.h
When I try
PS2Key_Char = PS2KeyNumPad[PS2KeyGetKey()-OFFSET_SCH2];
its working. i can see the numbers. whats the difference PS2KeyUnshifted[] and PS2KeyNumPad[]. They are both in PS2ScanCode.h
Code: | #include <16f877.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use fast_io(b)
#include <OS_CPU.h> //typedef compatible with uCOS-II style
#include <PS2Key.h>
#include <PS2ScanCode.h>
#include <PS2Key.c>
#include <flex_lcd.c>
#define PS2_FULL_104KEY
INT8U PS2Key_Char;
void ext_isr(void)
void main(void)
PS2KeyInit(); //Init PS2 Keyboard
lcd_init(); //Init 2x16 characters LCD module
lcd_putc('\f'); //clear the module
lcd_gotoxy(1,1); //goto position 1,1 of the LCD module
lcd_putc("PS2 Keypad Test");//Put a fixed string on LCD
enable_interrupts(global); //enable global interrupts
} //end of if(PS2KeyHit())
} //end of while (1)
} | [/code] |
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